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How much is too much information on your business card?

When creating your business card, some things are a must, like your business’s logo, your contact information. . . your headshot? Maybe social media? Suddenly you now have 10 different items on your business card, making it feel crowded and messy. But that still leaves us with one question—what should be on your business card? First impressions matter, but so does the card you give them to remember you.

What to include:

Below is the list of items you should include on your business card, as long as they apply to your industry. The most important information, by far, is your name and how this potential client or partner will contact you. All your hard work at that networking event would be in vain if no one knows how to contact you!

–Company Name
–Your Name
–Job Title
–Website/social media
–Contact Information
–Company Tagline
–Address (if you have a physical location)

How you decide to organize your business card is ultimately up to you, and something we’ll give suggestions on down the road, but for today we’re focusing on the information you put on your card. Certain details might not be a necessity for you—like the tagline of the company, or the address. A lot of businesses don’t have physical addresses, so something like that can be a case by case basis. However things like a logo, your name, job title, your business’s name, and your website or social media (maybe both!). And of course, your email and/or phone number. The purpose of your card is to not only provide your contact information, but to remind your connection of what your name and business is. Always keep that in mind when formatting your potential card.


While Lux Metal Card is more than happy to offer graphic design services to help with the format of your, we also take your ideas to heart. But we’ll keep the overall quality of the card when approving designs. There is such a thing as too much! Which is why it’s important to not go overboard with trends or fancy add ons when it’s not needed. Stick with design choices that match you and your brand. But like we said above, the most important thing is that you don’t get so caught up in designing that you end up forgetting the basics like contact information and business name.

88% of business cards get thrown away, so you have one opportunity to make an impact.

Let Lux Metal Card help you make that first impression memorable in the eyes of your future partner or client. We offer a variety of colors, special effects, thicknesses and finishes to make your card a direct reflection of you and your work. Reach out today to get your samples.